The European Non Governmental Organization (ENGO) MV International (MVI) is anon profit “association of associations” created in 2012.
MVI is a network of 37 European NGOs (one per Country and with members in each of the 27 countries of the EU), 8 associate organizations from Africa (Cameroon,Kenya, Senegal and Uganda), Latin America (Argentina and Peru) and Asia (India and China) aimed at promoting participatory planning between NGOs fostering the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of European design.
Mine Vaganti NGO, Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia and Cecis are the co-founding organization of the ENGO.
MVI has a growing experience in establishing new thematic Consortium, promoting new partnerships, developing and implementing EU projects and organising high-profile European congresses, conferences and hearings. Activities carried out by its professionals, members and volunteers involve ‘joint’: policy studies; thematic research; regional surveys, proposal elaborations, project implementations,network / training events – and more – the ENGO defines European design.
MVI takes a full role in the public debate on civil society engagement in its topics of interest and strives to influence policies in these areas, encouraging participation,freedom and dignity of its members.
As an international umbrella organisation, MVI further has the capacity to exploit results of the project directly via its membership. MVI is also centrally placed to execute a broad-reaching dissemination and exploitation of the project.
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