Research Report and Analysis of Best Practices

July 26th, 2019
The partners of the PRIORITY project carried out the present research study in order to identify, analyze and evaluate the existing best practices for promoting the integration of young people in a disadvantaged position and building the community in the fields of volunteer arts, culture, sports, and youth. This study is intended to help the consortium, to first set a common ground of knowledge in the field of youth inclusion and exchange good practices in the field of prevention of marginalisation and radicalisation of young people from disadvantaged groups at risk of marginalisation such as newly arrived migrants and/or refugees. Partners focused on the mapping of practices according to their field of expertise (J.K ev: voluntary, arts and culture, CSC: youth work and culture, KAINOTOMIA: education and training field, MV International: sports). The mapping of the existing practices will be a basis for the consortium to develop a toolkit of practices about promoting integration (especially in a local level) through the multidisciplinary and cross sectoral cooperation. The mapping analysis report includes data analysis in local-regional, national and EU level and collection of good practices. The research study, based on a review of existing material and surveys as well as a number of case studies in a national level and EU framework, analyses on the themes of marginalisation and radicalisation of young people with special focus on the newly arrived migrants and refugees (causes, effects, profiles of perpetrators etc.) and proposes draft collection of examples of good practices in tackling these obstacles through voluntary arts, sports, culture and youth work activities and exchanges. Furthermore, it presents a critical comparison and evaluation of the different practices that will be further developed in the development of toolkit phase.

