PRIORITY Project 1st Capacity Building Workshop in Larissa

July 4th, 2019
Larissa, Greece

On 25 to 29 May 2019, the PRIORITY Project 1st Capacity Building workshop took place in Larissa – Greece. At the event have participated 15 youth workers, educators and trainers from Germany, Greece, Italy and Romania. The workshop was hosted and coordinated by project partner Ke.Di.Vi.M2 KAINOTOMIA, at their headquarters.

The 3 day PRIORITY Project 1st Capacity Building Workshop agenda included key activities that will help project partners to further develop the methodology and the toolkit for creating a successful Priority Hub.

  • Understanding Radicalization and how it connects with marginalization
  • Youth work as a tool for prevention of marginalization and radicalization
  • How we build a PRIORITY Hub: Business plan and resources
  • PRIORITY Hub Skills
  • Social Map of My Community and Cooperation Opportunities
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of each sector