PRIORITY Project Kick-Off Meeting in Dresden
On 28th of March 2019, the partners of the PRIORITY project met in Dresden – Germany, for the official PRIORITY Project Kick-Off Meeting. PRIORITY consortium is formed by 5 members with expertise in different fields of activity:
PRIORITY: PRomotIng Open Resilient Inclusive socieTIes for Youth is an innovative project that aims to increase the capacities of the organizations that work with youth to invest in prevention by removing breeding grounds for radicalisation and act as forces of inclusion, to empower young people from disadvantaged groups to engage, to participate democratically and drive positive change in communities, through the use innovative methods and practices coming from the combination of youth work, training, cultural mediation and sports fields.
To work in the prevention level of a complex phenomenon, such as the marginalisation and radicalisation that lead to violent extremism of young people, we need a collective cross sectorial response from all the different stakeholders that work with young people with the leading role to be in the Youth Work field.
The PRIORITY project addresses different organisations, such as youth organisations and networks, cultural and sports organisations, training centres as well as private and public entities, and aims to increase the capacity of youth organisations to invest in the prevention of radicalisation of young people at risk.